Erno Bouma
Erno Bouma is an expert in the field of agrometeorology. He works at the Dutch Phytopathology Service in Wageningen where he advises on integrated crop protection and is also the founder of the Erno Bouma Agrometerological consultancy firm. He was closely involved in the development of CERDIS, a decision support system for cereals, and in GEWIS, the system that explains all you need to know about the effectiveness of crop protection agents. He is co-author of the Agrarisch Weerboek (1998) and the Natuurkalendergids (2005) and has written many specialist articles on a wide range of crops.
“The weather has fascinated me since childhood. I find it odd that many people know little about the relationship between the weather and all sorts of things that happen on the farm, even though the weather is so important in the development of pests and diseases and their control.”
A much sought-after speaker and course leader in the Netherlands and abroad, Erno Bouma also hosts events such as information meetings for the grant of crop protection licences.
· Weather and Crop Protection